Opera Santa Barbara’s Chorus Master, Brent Wilson, will hear chorus auditions for Opera Santa Barbara’s 2011-2012 Season, consisting of LA BOHÈME, THE MARRIAGE OF FIGARO, and Gluck’s ORPHÉE ET EURYDICE (performed in French). Auditions will take place on July 23 [Santa Barbara] and July 29 [Ventura]. From this audition, Opera Santa Barbara will be casting a core chorus to perform in all three operas, as well as supplemental and volunteer choristers as needed.

Audition times will be assigned via email. If you are interested in auditioning, please send an email to [email protected] with the subject line “2011-12 CHORUS AUDITIONS”. Please include your voice type, and resume/headshot (if available.)  Also, please indicate if you prefer to audition on July 23 [Santa Barbara] or July 29 [Ventura].

Saturday, July 23 from 12 – 3:30pm
First Congregational Church of Santa Barbara

Friday, July 29 from 6:00 – 9:00pm
Guthrie Hall, on Ventura College Campus

For the audition, you will be asked to prepare two [2] selections that demonstrate classical vocal technique, to be sung from memory. One should be an operatic aria, sung in the original key and language (preferably Italian or French). Selections should demonstrate the applicant’s range, and ability to sing lyrically and in tune. Applicant’s ability to blend in an operatic ensemble will be taken into account. Please bring current resume and photo as available, and a completed chorus application form. Auditions will be scheduled in 8-minute time slots on a first-come, first-serve basis.

An accompanist will be provided, however you are welcome to bring your own. Singers are required to bring a clear, legible copy of their music for the accompanist, three-hole punched and in a binder. There will be no practice/warm up rooms available before your audition.

In addition, all applicants will be asked to prepare an excerpt from ORPHÉE (Act II, Scene 3 Chorus, “Viens dans ce séjour paisable” pp. 118-121 in the Bärenreiter score). You are expected to learn the notes, rhythms, text and pronunciation, and dynamics of the excerpt thoroughly before you come to auditions, but you are not expected to memorize it.

Rehearsals are held weekday evenings or weekends. Music rehearsals will begin about 3 -4 weeks before staging begins and will generally be held once a week. Staging rehearsals begin 3-4 weeks before opening at the rate of about 3 rehearsals per week except for the final week, which is necessarily more intense. Opera Santa Barbara is aware many singers commute from considerable distances and will bear this in mind when scheduling rehearsals.

While a degree in music is not required, the ideal candidate will possess:

  • Classical voice training – academic or private
  • Sight reading ability
  • Ability to sing in foreign languages (Italian, French)
  • Ability to memorize music
  • Experience in a professional (or academic) opera chorus
  • Stage experience / training
  • Ability to take and accept direction
  • Ability to work in a theatrical environment, including but not limited to the ability to perform in a variety of stage conditions, including flat and raked stages, at stage level and on elevated platforms, and with the use special scenic effects, including the possible use of stage smoke and fog simulator effects, including but not limited to steam and dry ice.